
Training programs

Love for Livres specializes in training and coaching in soft skills through reading and literature, combined with applied cognitive sciences.

Key objectives of a Love for Livres training course

Time to improve the psychosocial skills (or soft skills) of teams, achieve professional objectives and boost performance!

01 Provide you with an innovative teaching methodology based on applied cognitive and behavioral sciences. 03 Provide tools, keys and practical advice for mastering soft skills in the workplace, improving productivity and gaining serenity.
02 Helping to better decode the work environment, improve teams' professional relations and inspire them through reading and creativity. Encourage dialogue through storytelling. 04 Each training course gives rise to a personalized plan for each organization and each participant, so that you can continue to take action over the long term.

Contact our training team

1 to 2 hours - Masterclass format - Online or face-to-face (in-house)
A discovery session
For inspiration
To learn the fundamentals of the theme
To start practicing through appropriate role-playing situations
0.5, 1, 2 or 3-day format depending on your needs - Online and face-to-face if possible
A complete programn
To achieve specific objectives related to the theme
To learn in depth
To acquire the key tools that will help you implement best practices over the long term

Our skills to work with you

A team with skills in literature and cognitive science

Successful projects within a variety of structures: Erasmus +, Chanel, Créteil library and many others.

Personalized workshops for your audiences according to their needs.

A space for open and caring exchanges.

Tools adaptable to all types of spaces.

Discover the common topics of our workshops

Emotional skills

Better manage stress, prevent burnout
Developing your emotional intelligence

Soft skills

Nurture your leadership and assertiveness, resolve your impostor syndrome
Coping with uncertainty and eco-anxiety

Interpersonal / Social skills

Developing effective, empathetic communication
Work in a multicultural environment and promoting diversity & inclusion (D&I)
Developing managerial courage


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